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Study of capturing micro-sized floating polyethylene particles using a bubble  

Jinyong, Choi (Department of Mechanical Engineering, Seoul National University)
Hyungmin, Park (Department of Mechanical Engineering, Seoul National University)
Publication Information
Journal of the Korean Society of Visualization / v.20, no.3, 2022 , pp. 67-73 More about this Journal
Underwater environmental pollution caused by microplastic particles is considered to be one of the most serious problems in many oceans and countries nearby. Previous academic studies or field technologies tried to remove the micro-sized particles are often energy-consuming and costly, so it is hard to be employed for the actual uses. In this study, the mechanism of removal of micro-sized polyethylene spheres (size in order of 100㎛) using a rising bubble is experimentally investigated. It is found that the particles are either affected by bubble wake, thus translocated close to the water surface, or pushed far away by the surrounding fluid flow, depending on their initial position relative to the bubble. By scrutinizing the visualized behaviors of bubble-particle interaction, we draw the governing parameter, i.e., the polar angle between the particle and the bubble, to determine the effective capturing of the particles with a rising bubble.
Bubble; Bubble-particle interaction; Shadowgraphy; Marine pollution;
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  • Reference
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