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Size-based separation of microscale droplets by surface acoustic wave-induced acoustic radiation force  

Mushtaq, Ali (Department of Mechanical Engineering, Chonnam National University)
Beomseok, Cha (Department of Mechanical Engineering, Chonnam National University)
Muhammad, Soban Khan (Department of Mechanical Engineering, Chonnam National University)
Hyunwoo, Jeon (Department of Mechanical Engineering, Chonnam National University)
Song Ha, Lee (Department of Mechanical Engineering, Chonnam National University)
Woohyuk, Kim (Department of Mechanical Engineering, Chonnam National University)
Jeongu, Ko (Department of Mechanical Engineering, Chonnam National University)
Jinsoo, Park (Department of Mechanical Engineering, Chonnam National University)
Publication Information
Journal of the Korean Society of Visualization / v.20, no.3, 2022 , pp. 19-26 More about this Journal
In droplet microfluidics, precise droplet manipulation is required in numerous applications. This study presents ultrasonic surface acoustic wave (USAW)-based microfluidic device for label-free droplet separation based on size. The proposed device is composed of a slanted-finger interdigital transducer on a piezoelectric substrate and a polydimethylsiloxane microchannel placed on the substrate. The microchannel is aligned in the cross-type configuration where the USAWs propagate in a perpendicular direction to the flow in the microchannel. When droplets are exposed to an acoustic field, they experience the USAW-induced acoustic radiation force (ARF), whose magnitude varies depending on the droplet size. We modeled the USAW-induced ARF based on ray acoustics and conducted a series of experiments to separate different-sized droplets. We found that the experimental results were in good agreement with the theoretical estimation. We believe that the proposed method will serve as a promising tool for size-based droplet separation in a label-free manner.
Surface Acoustic Wave; Acoustofluidics; Acoustic Radiation Force; Microscale Droplet;
Citations & Related Records
Times Cited By KSCI : 1  (Citation Analysis)
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