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Effect of Distilled Water Supply Method on Performance of PEMWE Typed Hydrogen Generators for Inhalation  

In-Soo, You (Gootz)
Hyunwoo, Bae (SEMES)
Joon Hyun, Kim (NDT Research Center, SeoulTech)
Jaeyong, Sung (Department of Mechanical & Automotive Engineering, SeoulTech)
Publication Information
Journal of the Korean Society of Visualization / v.20, no.3, 2022 , pp. 117-127 More about this Journal
The present study has investigated the performance of hydrogen gas generators for inhalation purposes based on polyelectrolyte membrane water electrolysis (PEMWE). The system applied two watering methods. One is pumped water (pumping system) and the other is gravity-fed water without a pump (non-pumping system). The cell efficiencies were compared by measuring the cell voltage and temperature in the hydrogen gas generator, respectively. The results show that the cell voltage and temperature increase with the cell current. The cell temperature is lower in the pumping system than that in the non-pumping system at a given cell current. Even though the amount of hydrogen production is the same regardless of the pumping system, the cell efficiency of the hydrogen gas generator in the non-pumping system is better than that in the pumping system.
Hydrogen gas generator; Distilled water supply; Water electrolysis; Cell efficiency; Cell temperature;
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  • Reference
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