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Design of sinusoidal shape channel PCHEs for supercritical LNG based on CFD simulation  

Fan, Jinxing (School of Mechanical Engineering, PNU)
Yeom, Eunseop (School of Mechanical Engineering, Pusan National University (PNU))
Publication Information
Journal of the Korean Society of Visualization / v.19, no.3, 2021 , pp. 69-76 More about this Journal
Printed circuit heat exchanger (PCHE) is a compact heat exchanger with good heat transfer performance, high structure integrity, and reliability over a wide range of temperatures and pressures. Instead of the traditional zigzag and straight shape channel, the sinusoidal shape channel was adopted in this study to investigate the relation of thermal-hydraulic performance and waviness factors (period and amplitude). The local flow characteristics and the heat flux distribution were compared to verify the effects of period and amplitude on heat transfer performance. As the period of channel becomes shorter, the rapid change of the flow direction can produce high flow separation around the corner leading to the disturbance of the boundary layer opposite wall. The nonuniform distribution of flow velocity appeared around the corner positions can promote fluid mixing and lead to higher thermal performance. An evaluation index was used to compare the comprehensive performance of PCHE considering the Nusselt number and Fanning factor. Based on the simulation results, the optimal design parameters of PCHE channel shape were found that the channel with an equivalent bending angle of 15° offers the highest heat flux capacity.
Printed circuit heat exchanger; Sinusoidal waviness; Heat flux; Liquefied natural gas;
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