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A Study on flow optimization of thermoelectric refrigerator using visualization technique  

Kim, Bo-ra (Graduate School of Department of Mechanical Engineering, Korea Maritime & Ocean University)
Lee, Change-je (Research Institute of Maritime Industry, Korea Maritime and Ocean University)
Jeong, Yeon-ho (Engineering, GOMOTEC Co. LTD)
Whang, Kwang-il (Department of Mechanical Engineering, Korea Maritime & Ocean University)
Cho, Gyeong-rae (Department of Mechanical Engineering, Korea Maritime & Ocean University)
Publication Information
Journal of the Korean Society of Visualization / v.19, no.1, 2021 , pp. 94-99 More about this Journal
In order to increase the efficiency of thermoelectric refrigerators using the Peltier effect, it is necessary to optimize the distribution of the flow of cold air from the fan. In this study, the flow flowing upwards and downwards while changing the area of the flow path was visualized using the PIV technique for the control of cold air in a thermoelectric refrigerator. From these results, the flow rate according to the change in the area of the flow path was confirmed, and design criteria for optimizing the distribution of cold air flowing to the top and bottom of the refrigerator were suggested.
Flow Visualization; Cross-Correlation PIV; Peltier Refrigerator; Flowrate Measurement;
Citations & Related Records
Times Cited By KSCI : 1  (Citation Analysis)
연도 인용수 순위
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