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Development Robust Video Stabilization algorithm based Opticla Flow  

Cho, Gyeong-Rae (Korea Maritime & Ocean University)
Doh, Deog-Hee (Korea Maritime & Ocean University)
Kim, Hong-Yeob (Korea Maritime & Ocean University)
Jin, Gwang-Ja (ETRI (Intelligent Positioning and Navigation Research Section))
Kim, Do-Hyun (ETRI (Intelligent Positioning and Navigation Research Section))
Publication Information
Journal of the Korean Society of Visualization / v.17, no.3, 2019 , pp. 66-69 More about this Journal
An image compensating algorithm with high-vibration movement is proposed, using optical flow and the Kalman Filter. The temporal motion vector field is calculated by Optical flow and suspicious vectors are removed or adjusted by the Gaussian interpolation method. The high-vibrated vector filled is stabilized by the Kalman filter. Lastly, compensated images are obtained by affine transformation. This proposed algorithm gives good compensated video images on high-vibration situations.
Vibrating Compensation; Kalman filter; Optical flow and Affine transformation;
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  • Reference
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