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Microfluidic Method for Measurement of Blood Viscosity based on Micro PIV  

Hong, Hyeonji (School of Mechanical Engineering, Pusan National University)
Jung, Mirim (Busan Dongrae Wooridul Spine Hospital)
Yeom, Eunseop (School of Mechanical Engineering, Pusan National University)
Publication Information
Journal of the Korean Society of Visualization / v.15, no.3, 2017 , pp. 14-19 More about this Journal
Increase of blood viscosity significantly changes the flow resistance and wall shear stress which are related with cardiovascular diseases. For measurement of blood viscosity, microfluidic method has proposed by monitoring pressure between sample and reference flows in the downstream of a microchannel with two inlets. However, it is difficult to apply this method to unknown flow conditions. To measure blood viscosity under unknown flow conditions, a microfluidic method based on micro particle image velocimetry(PIV) is proposed in this study. Flow rate in the microchannel was estimated by assuming velocity profiles represent mean value along channel depth. To demonstrate the measurement accuracy of flow rate, the flow rates measured at the upstream and downstream of a T-shaped microchannel were compared with injection flow rate. The present results indicate that blood viscosity could be reasonably estimated according to shear rate by measuring the interfacial width and flow rate of blood flow. This method would be useful for understanding the effects of hemorheological features on the cardiovascular diseases.
Micro PIV; Viscosity; Microfluidic Device;
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