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Dynamic Behavior of Heterogeneous Impinging Droplets onto High Temperature Plate  

Lee, Choong Hyun (부산대학교 일반대학원 기계공학과)
Kim, Kyung Chun (부산대학교 기계공학부)
Publication Information
Journal of the Korean Society of Visualization / v.13, no.3, 2015 , pp. 20-23 More about this Journal
In this experiment, a heterogeneous droplet consisted of de-ionized water and olive oil was made through two 31G injection needles. The injection flow rate was $50{\mu}{\ell}/min$ and the droplet size was 2 mm. The droplet was impinged onto a sapphire plate which was heated up to $300^{\circ}C$ by a heater. Two high speed cameras were used for visualization, and the frame rate was 20,000 fps. A 150W metal halite lamp was used for illumination. The dropping height was fixed to 20 mm and the corresponding Weber number was 10.6 based on water. Due to different boiling points of two liquids, partial boiling features of heterogeneous droplet was observed. At the Leidenfrost condition, micro explosion phenomenon has occurred.
Heterogeneous droplet; Dynamic behavior; Leidenfrost phenomenon;
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  • Reference
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