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An Experimental Study on the Convection heat Transfer of Al-Mg/water Micro Fluid in a Circular Tube with Swirl  

Chang, Tae-Hyun (한국과학기술정보연구원, RESEAT)
Kim, Chi-Woon (경남대학교 기계공학부)
Kil, Sang-Cheol (한국과학기술정보연구원 정보분석 센터)
Lee, Chang-Hoan (한국과학기술정보연구원 정보분석 센터)
Publication Information
Journal of the Korean Society of Visualization / v.10, no.3, 2012 , pp. 16-20 More about this Journal
In the past decades, extensive studies on convection heat transfer on internal flow have been conducted by using high specific surface area, by increasing heat transfer coefficient and swirl flow, and by improving the transport properties. In this study, we applied a tangential slot swirl generator to improve heat transfer in a horizontal circular copper tube. The Al-Mg particles (approximately $100{\mu}m$ to $130{\mu}m$) were employed for this experimental work. The copper tube was heated uniformly by winding a heating coil with a resistance of 9ohm per meter for heat transfer. Using Al-Mg particles, experiments were performed in the Reynolds number range of 5,000 to 13,130, with and without swirl. Experimental data transfers or comparisons between Nusselt numbers with and without swirl along the test tube and Reynolds numbers are presented. The Nusselt number is improved by increasing Reynolds numbers or swirl intensities along the test tube.
micro fluid; swirl; bulk temperature; Nusselt number;
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  • Reference
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