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Measurement of Liquid-Metal Flow with a Dynamic Neutron Radiography  

Cha, Jae-Eun (한국원자력연구원 고속로기술개발부)
Saito, Yasushi (교또대 원자로연구소)
Publication Information
Journal of the Korean Society of Visualization / v.9, no.4, 2011 , pp. 63-68 More about this Journal
The flow-field of a liquid-metal system is very important for the safety analysis and the design of the steam generator of liquid-metal fast breeder reactor. Dynamic neutron radiography (DNR) is suitable for a visualization and measurement of a liquid metal flow and a two-phase flow in a metallic duct. However, the three dimensional DNR techniques is not enough to obtain the velocity information in the wide channel up to now. In this research, a high speed DNR technique was applied to visualize the heavy liquid-metal flow field in the narrow channel with the HANARO-beam facility. The images were taken with a high frame-rate neutron radiography at 250 fps and analyzed with a Particle Image Velocimetry(PIV) method. The images were compared with the results of the commercial CFX code to study the feasibility of DNR technique for the measuring the heavy liquid-metal flow field. The PIV images could discern the turbulent vortex flow in the two-dimensional narrow channel.
Dynamic Neutron Radiography; Liquid Metal; Flow Visualization;
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  • Reference
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