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Effects of Stroke Change on Turbulent Kinetic Energy for the In-Cylinder Flow of a Four-Valve SI Engine  

Yoo, S.C. (한라대학교 기계자동차공학부)
Publication Information
Journal of the Korean Society of Visualization / v.9, no.4, 2011 , pp. 16-21 More about this Journal
The effects of stroke change on turbulent kinetic energy for the in-cylinder flow of a four-valve SI engine were studied. For this study, the same intake manifold, head, cylinder, and the piston were used to examine turbulence characteristics in two different strokes. In-cylinder flow measurements were conducted using three dimensional LDV system. The measurement method, which simultaneously collects 3-D velocity data, allowed a evaluation of turbulent kinetic energy inside a cylinder. High levels of turbulent kinetic energy were found in regions of high shear flow, attributed to the collisions of intake flows. These specific results support the more general conclusion that the inlet conditions play the dominant role in the generation of the turbulence fields during the intake stroke. However, in the absence of two counter rotating vortices, this intake generated turbulent kinetic energy continues to decrease but at a much faster rate.
Turbulent Kinetic Energy; LDV; Stroke; Motoring; Vortex; Ensemble Averaged Fluctuation;
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  • Reference
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