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Quantitative Visualization of Ventilation Flow for Defrost Mode in a Real Passenger Car  

Lee, Jin-Pyung (포항공과대학교 환경공학부)
Lee, Sang-Joon (포항공과대학교 기계공학과)
Publication Information
Journal of the Korean Society of Visualization / v.8, no.2, 2010 , pp. 40-44 More about this Journal
Thermal comfort inside a passenger car has been receiving large attention in automobile industries. Especially, the performance of windshield defroster is important in the design of a car to ensure passenger comport and safety. Thereby, better understanding on the ventilation flow along the vehicle windshield is essential to evaluate the performance of windshield defroster. However, most previous studies dealt with the defrost flow using CFD (computational fluid dynamics) calculations or scale-down model experiments. In this study, a real commercial automobile was used to investigate the flow discharged from the vehicle defroster and the ventilation flow along the windshield using a PIV velocity field measurement technique. The experimental data would be useful to understand the flow characteristics in detail and also can be used to validate numerical predictions.
PIV; Passenger compartment; Defrost mode; Velocity field; Ventilation flow;
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  • Reference
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