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A study on Flow Characteristic inside Passenger's Compartment under Recirculation Cool vent mode using CFX  

Kim, Yoon-Kee (부산대학교 기계공학과)
Yang, Jang-Sik (부산대학교 기계기술연구원)
Kim, Kyung-Chun (부산대학교기계공학부)
Ji, Ho-Seong (부산대학교 기계공학부)
Publication Information
Journal of the Korean Society of Visualization / v.8, no.1, 2010 , pp. 25-30 More about this Journal
The flow characteristics under recirculation cool vent mode is numerically studied using commercial fluid dynamic code(CFX). For the reliable analysis, real vehicle and human FE model is employed in grid generation process. The geometrical location and shape of panel vent, and exhaust vent is set as that of real vehicle model. The flowrate of the working fluid is determined as 330CMH which is equivalent to 70 percent of maximum capacity of HVAC system. The high velocity regions are formed around 4 each panel vent. Because of the non-symmetrically located exhaust, non-uniform flow and partial backflow near the door trim is observed. Streaklines start from each panel vent show the flow pattern of the airflow in the passenger's compartment very well.
Thermal comfort; Cooling Cycle; Computational Fluid Dynamics; Heating; Ventilating; Air Conditioning System;
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  • Reference
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