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A Study on Combustion Characteristics of Methane Fuel according to Torch Nozzle Diameter in a Constant Volume Combustion Chamber  

Lee, Jung-Man (서울산업대학교 에너지환경대학원)
Kwon, Soon-Tae (서울산업대학교 에너지환경대학원)
Park, Chan-Jun (서울산업대학교 기계공학과)
Ohm, In-Young (서울산업대학교 기계공학과)
Publication Information
Journal of the Korean Society of Visualization / v.8, no.1, 2010 , pp. 19-24 More about this Journal
Five different size of orifice were applied in a constant volume combustion chamber for evaluating the effects of torch-ignition on combustion. The initial flame development and flame propagation were analyzed by the mass burned fraction and combustion enhancement rate. The combustion pressures were measured to calculate the mass burned fractions and the combustion enhancement rates. In addition, the flame propagations were visualized by the shadowgraph method for the qualitative comparison. The result showed that the combustion pressure and mass burned fraction were increased when using the torch-ignition device. The combustion enhancement rates of torch-ignition cases were improved in comparison with conventional spark ignition. Finally, the visualization results showed that the torch-ignition induced faster burn than conventional spark ignition due to the earlier transition to turbulent flame and larger flame surface, during the initial stage.
Mass burned fraction; Combustion enhancement rate; Constant Volume Combustion Chamber; Torch-ignition;
Citations & Related Records
Times Cited By KSCI : 2  (Citation Analysis)
연도 인용수 순위
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