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The Effects of Live Chat between Seller and Buyers in E-commerce on the Perceived Social Presence and Trust  

Chen, Hongwei (Department of International Business, Graduate school of Hankuk University of Foreign Studies)
Lee, Jung (Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, Division of GBT)
Publication Information
Knowledge Management Research / v.22, no.1, 2021 , pp. 287-308 More about this Journal
This study aims to explore how the effects of the perceived social presence on trust and live chat adoption intention vary with the types of live chats in e-commerce context. As technology develops, live chat with the seller in e-commerce is rapidly replaced by AI-assisted live chat called chat-bot. However, it is not well known how the buyers perceive the difference between the chat with seller and the chat-bot. This study therefore proposes first, the perceived social presence toward the seller will influence trust and the live chat adoption. Second, the effects of social presence will be stronger when using live chat with seller than using chat-bot. To validate, we collect data from 232 e-commerce users and confirm the first proposition. However, the higher level of the social presence effect of live chat with seller is not clearly revealed. This study is expected to provide researchers and managers who are interested in AI-based chatbots with useful theoretical and practical implications.
Live chat; Chatbots; Social presence; Trust; Knowledge management;
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