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Strategic Approach for South-North Korea's S&T Cooperation  

Son, Ju Yeon (과총부설 정책연구소)
Kim, Si-jeoung (서울디지털재단 정책연구팀)
Lee, Jang-Jae (한국과학기술기획평가원)
Publication Information
Journal of Korea Technology Innovation Society / v.20, no.1, 2017 , pp. 153-174 More about this Journal
This study tried to suggest South-North Korea's S&T cooperative strategies and priority areas using mixed-methodology. First, survey research was conducted to analyze the understanding of scientists how they think about these issues. We surveyed scientists whose names are on the KOFST mailing list and analyzed 485 questionnaire responses. After that, experts who are participating in FGI discussed more deeply about the survey results and suggested the feasible strategies and projects. The results suggest some findings about priority cooperation area, new projects and strategies. Priority areas of S&T cooperation are following; agriculture, electricity & energy, and health care. However, more important thing than these priority areas is how to approach the inter-Korean S&T cooperation. More strategic approach is needed while promoting exchange and cooperation projects with north-korea. Also more long-term approach is needed to maintain the sustainability of this S&T cooperation.
South-north Korea's S&T cooperation; Survey; FGI; Mixed-methods;
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