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Effect of Color and Emotional Context on Processing Emotional Information of Biological Motion  

Kim, Jejoong (덕성여자대학교 심리학과)
Kim, Yuri (순천향대학교 부천병원 임상심리)
Jo, Eunui (덕성여자대학교 심리학과)
Publication Information
Science of Emotion and Sensibility / v.23, no.3, 2020 , pp. 63-78 More about this Journal
It is crucial to process not only social cognitive information but also various emotional information for appropriate social interaction in everyday life. The processing of emotions embedded in social stimuli is affected by various context and external factors and the features of their own. Emotion discrimination tasks using point-light biological motion were conducted in this study to understand the factors influencing emotion processing and their effects. A target biological motion with angry or happy emotion was presented in the first task in red, green, white, or yellow color. A white angry, happy, or neutral "cue" biological motion was displayed simultaneously. Participants judged the emotion of the target relative to the cue stimulus by comparing the target with the cue. The second task used only emotionally neutral stimuli to find effect by the color itself. The results indicated an association between the specific color of the target and emotion. Red facilitated processing anger, whereas green appeared to facilitate happy emotion. The discrimination accuracy was high when the emotions of the cue and the target were identical in general, but the combination of red color and anger yielded different results compared with the rest of the conditions. Some illusory emotional responses associated with the target colors were observed in the second task. We could observe the effects of external factors in this study, affecting the emotional processing using biological motion rather than conventional face stimuli. Possible follow-up studies and clinical research were discussed.
Biological Motion; Color; Context; Emotion; Social Cognition;
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Times Cited By KSCI : 2  (Citation Analysis)
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