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Fabrication of a 17inch Area Size Nano-Wire Grid using Roll-to-Roll UV Nano-Imprinting Lithography  

Huh, Jong-Wook (Miraenanotech. Co., Ltd.)
Nam, Su-Yong (Dept. of Graphic Arts Information Engineering, Pukyong National University)
Publication Information
Journal of the Korean Graphic Arts Communication Society / v.29, no.3, 2011 , pp. 17-30 More about this Journal
The polarizer is an important optical element used in a variety of applications. Nano-wire grid polarizers in the form of sub-wavelength metallic gratings are an attractive alternative to conventional polarizers, because they provide high extinction ratio. This study has been carried out to fabrication of the 17inch area size nano-wire grid polarizer(NWGP) The master for NWGPs with a pitch of 200nm and the area size $730mm{\times}450mm$ were fabricated using laser interference lithography and aluminum sputtering and wet etching. And The NWGP fabrication process was using by the Roll to-Roll UV imprinting and was applied to flexible PET film. The results were a transmission of light (Tp) 46.7%, reflectance (Rs) 40.1% and Extinction ratio of above 16 for the visible light range.
Nano-wire grid polarizers; 17inch; PET film; Roll to-Roll UV imprinting lithography;
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