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The Proto-modernity in Japanese Traditional Costume History  

Huh, Eun-Joo (Institute of Korean Studies, Yonsei University)
Publication Information
Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles / v.34, no.9, 2010 , pp. 1415-1428 More about this Journal
Modernity in costumes is analyzed as the preference of change and novelty, the formation of the masses, and the aspect of function, which is transplanted by western modernization. However, it is seem that the factor of modernity in Japanese traditional costume history. This study examines the Proto-modernity in Japanese traditional costume history. First, this study examines the term 'Imamekashiki' which means the present time. Because of the recognition of every present time arises from the recognition and the preference of change and novelty. In the pre-modem Era, this study examines the masses formed by the publication and the play, Kabuki. This study provides an alternative answer to understanding what is to 'wear clothes' for Japanese people.
The proto-modernity; The preference of change and novelty; Modern; Kosodehiinagatabon; Kabuki;
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