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Key Success Factors of the Internet Shopping Mall of Marine Products : Linkages Between Traceability Information and Perceived Quality  

Park, Sang-Cheol (성균관대학교 경영학부)
Kim, Jong-Uk (성균관대학교 경영학부)
Pak, Myong-Sop (성균관대학교 경영학부)
Publication Information
Korean Management Science Review / v.23, no.3, 2006 , pp. 95-118 More about this Journal
This study developed the traceability information for tracing fishery products from the production step to the consumption step in the distribution channel of fishery products. Based on it, we further presented the theoretical linkage between traceability information and perceived qualities of internet shopping malls, and then investigated how traceability information affected trust and perceived usefulness in the internet shopping mall to find the key success factors of internet shopping malls of fishery products. We collected 194 responses from internet consumers who had prior experience on purchasing fishery products. This survey data was used to empirically test the ten research model hypotheses by using PLS. The PLS results indicated that traceability information had significant impact on trust and perceived usefulness. Finally, trust, perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use were found to be related to online consumers' intention to purchase fishery products.
Traceability Information; Trust; Perceived Usefulness; Perceived Ease of Use; Intention to Purchase; PLS;
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Times Cited By KSCI : 1  (Citation Analysis)
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