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Analysis of Influence of Work and family life priority and Recognition Difference of Work-Family Reconciliation Policy on Satisfaction of Working Condition Using Path Analysis Model : Focused on Industrial Groups Showing Gender Differences  

Park, Min Jung (Seoul Foundation of Women & Family, Department of Family Policy Work Life Balance Center)
Publication Information
Journal of Family Resource Management and Policy Review / v.23, no.3, 2019 , pp. 43-74 More about this Journal
The purpose of this study is to analyze the effect of perceptions of work and family life on employee job satisfaction and to form a policy approach that contributes to the enhancement of worker satisfaction. In particular, we wanted to analyze how the characteristics of each variable appeared in industry groups with different gender ratios of workers. A notable point of the study was that the respondents who answered that work and family had similar importance were satisfied with their working conditions. In addition, it was found that the higher an employee's evaluation of the work-family reconciliation policy, the higher the employee's satisfaction with their working conditions. As a result of a path analysis, it was found that the most male-dominant industry was manufacturing, and the most female-dominant industry was health and social welfare. In the case of respondents who were employed in the most-male dominant industry, the degree of an employee's understanding of the work-family reconciliation policy recognition, rather than the relative priorities of work and family life, had a greater effect on job satisfaction. On the other hand, respondents who were employed in the most-female dominant industry confirmed that their level of education was highly related to the degree of institutional recognition.
work-family reconciliation policy; satisfaction of working condition; path model analysis; work and family life priority; industrial groups showing gender differences;
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Times Cited By KSCI : 1  (Citation Analysis)
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