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Relationship between Phase Properties, Significant Duration and PGA from the Earthquake Records of Mw 5.5~6.5  

Choi, Hang (AIMAC Structure Co., Ltd.)
Yoon, Byung Ick (AIMAC Structure Co., Ltd.)
Publication Information
Journal of the Earthquake Engineering Society of Korea / v.23, no.1, 2019 , pp. 55-70 More about this Journal
The phase properties of ground acceleration records from Mw 5.5~6.5 earthquakes are analyzed. The interrelationships between phase properties and significant durations, as well as PGA, are clarified through both of theoretical and empirical approaches. The probabilistic characteristics of phase information is also discussed based on previous studies and it is shown that circular normal distribution is the most appropriate probability distribution for the phase angle and phase difference. Whereas those variates can be modeled by Gaussian random variables. From the survey results on the frequency dependency of the phase statistics, a simple model is introduced, which is possible to express the frequency dependency of phase information. It is also shown that the significant duration can be controlled by appropriately chosen standard deviation of phase difference for 4~8Hz frequency band and additional consideration of phase scattering in higher frequency band through a series of Monte Carlo simulations. The source of phase scattering effect is also pointed out and discussed.
Phase difference; Group delay; Significant duration; Peak ground acceleration; Performance-based design;
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