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Behavior of Rectangular Hollow Bridge Compression Section by Detail of Cross-tie  

Lee, Jae Hoon (Civil engineering, YeungNam University)
Kim, Ho Young (Civil engineering, YeungNam University)
Kwahk, Im Jong (Structural Engineering Research Division, Korea Institute of Civil & Architectural Technology)
Publication Information
Journal of the Earthquake Engineering Society of Korea / v.21, no.1, 2017 , pp. 21-29 More about this Journal
Purpose of this study is to investigate structural behavior of the rectangular hollow column with various transverse reinforcement details. Experimental variables are diameter, arrangement details and lateral spacing of cross tie. A total of 66 column specimens have been prepared and tested under axial compressive load. Test results showed that behaviors of column specimens were different depending on the cross tie details. Specimens with cross tie wrapping longitudinal steel and transverse steel have greater strength and ductility than specimens with cross tie wrapping the longitudinal steel.
Rectangular hollow column; Cross tie detail; Lateral spacing of cross tie; Strength; Ductility;
Citations & Related Records
Times Cited By KSCI : 2  (Citation Analysis)
연도 인용수 순위
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