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Evaluation of the Applicability of Existing Design Formula for Seismic Isolation to Nuclear Power Plants  

Kim, Hyun-Uk (Plant Construction & Engineering Office of KHNP Central Research Institute)
Publication Information
Journal of the Earthquake Engineering Society of Korea / v.16, no.6, 2012 , pp. 29-36 More about this Journal
Involved in a research for the application of seismic isolation to the nuclear industry, this study evaluates firstly the responses of seismic isolation system considering general ranges of structural period and damping ratio by using preliminary design formula. Secondly, coupling effects of input motions were evaluated to find out appropriate conditions of excitations and effect of the iteration for calculating yield displacement of lead core was also assessed in terms of response of a seismically isolated structure. Finally, the results of preliminary design calculation were compared with those of dynamic analysis and the propriety of the formula was evaluated and appropriate ranges of reduction factor were also suggested from the results.
Nuclear Power Plants; Seismically Isolated Structure; Seismic Isolation System; Preliminary Design Formula; Dynamic Analysis;
Citations & Related Records
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  • Reference
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