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Development of Control Algorithms Considering the Effect of a Control Sampling Period on the Total Amount of Switching for a Switched System  

Joung, Jin-Wook (단국대학교 건축공학과)
Chung, Lan (단국대학교 건축공학과)
Publication Information
Journal of the Earthquake Engineering Society of Korea / v.13, no.4, 2009 , pp. 67-76 More about this Journal
Recently, the active interaction control (AIC) system was proposed as a semi-active control system. The AIC system consists of a primary structure and an auxiliary structure. The objective of the AIC system is to control the response of the primary structure through engagement and disengagement between the primary and auxiliary structures. Previous switching control algorithms have been shown to be effective in reducing the response of the primary structure. However, they have the main drawback of requiring an excessive engagement-disengagement frequency and high interaction force. In this paper, the regions in which the switching is activated and the regions in which the switching is deactivated are described separately, to effectively determine the engagement or the disengagement. The general relationship between the switching regions and the deactivated switching regions selected according to the engagement-disengagement conditions is described within the newly-developed comprehensive switching framework. The proposed engagement-disengagement conditions are designed within a comprehensive switching framework, to reduce engagement-disengagement frequency and interaction force. Furthermore, the effect of a control sampling period on the AIC system is explained in terms of the engagement-disengagement frequency. The effectiveness of the proposed algorithms and the effect of the control sampling period are considered for a single degree of freedom model under free vibration. It is observed that increasing the duration of stay by using a large control sampling period prevents the AIC system from activating the possible chance of switching. The proposed algorithms are shown to be effective, both in restricting ineffective switching and in reducing interaction force.
AIC system; Switching control algorithms; Control sampling period; Interaction force; Amount of switching;
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