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Required Strength Spectrum of Low-Rise Reinforced Concrete Shear Wall Buildings with Pilotis  

Lee, Kang-Seok (전남대학교 공과대학 건축학부)
Oh, Jae-Keun (대림산업주식회사 기술연구소)
Publication Information
Journal of the Earthquake Engineering Society of Korea / v.11, no.5, 2007 , pp. 61-69 More about this Journal
The main purpose of this study is to provide a basic information for the seismic capacity evaluation and the seismic design of low-rise reinforced concrete (RC) shear wall buildings, which are comprised of a pilotis in the first story. In this study, relationships between strengths and ductilities of each story of RC buildings with pilotis are investigated based on the nonlinear seismic response analysis. The characteristics of low-rise RC buildings with pilotis are assumed as the double degree of freedom structural systems. In order to simulate these systems, the pilotis is idealized as a degrading trilinear hysteretic model that fails in flexure and the upper story of shear wall system is idealized as a origin-oriented hysteretic model that fails in shear, respectively. Stiffness properties of both models are varied in terms of story shear coefficients and structures are subjected to various ground motion components. By analyzing these systems, interaction curves of required strengths for various levels of ductility factors are finally derived for practical purposes. The result indicates that the required strength levels derived can be used as a basic information for seismic evaluation and design criteria of low-rise reinforced concrete shear wall buildings having pilotis structure.
Low-Rise Reinforced Concrete Buildings; Seismic Capacity; Pilotis; Shear Wall; Nonlinear Seismic Analysis; Required Strength; Ductility;
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  • Reference
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