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Weighting-Factored Evaluation Method for Determination of Seismic Retrofitting Schemes for Existing Bridges  

Ha, Dong-Ho (건국대학교 토목공학과)
Lee, Ji-Hoon (한국시설안전기술공단 진단1본부 교량실)
Park, Kwang-Soon (한국시설안전기술공단 진단1본부 교량실)
Lee, Yong-Jae (건국대학교 토목공학과)
Publication Information
Journal of the Earthquake Engineering Society of Korea / v.11, no.3, 2007 , pp. 43-52 More about this Journal
This study suggests a method to determine optimal seismic retrofitting schemes for existing bridges based on weighting-factored evaluation. According to the recognition for potential seismic risk, various kinds of retrofitting methods are applied to improve the seismic performance of existing bridges. However, the relevant technique is not available to select optimal retrofitting scheme for bridges now. This suggested method weights five factors, structural compatibility, economic efficacy, environmental factor, consturctability and maintenance, and draws out optimal seismic retrofitting schemes. The application of the developed method to one hundred sixty existing bridges verifies the adaptability of this method. As a result, this study provides an idealized retrofitting schemes, and the suggested method could be a guideline to determine the more cost-effective and optimal retrofitting schemes for existing bridges in Korea.
Weighting-Factored Evaluation; Seismic Retrofit; Enhancing Seismic Performance; Existing Bridges;
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  • Reference
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