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Sensitivity Analysis of Rockfill Input Parameters Influencing Crest Displacement of CFRD Subjected to Earthquake Loading  

Ha, Ik-Soo (한국수자원공사 수자원연구원)
Publication Information
Journal of the Earthquake Engineering Society of Korea / v.11, no.1, 2007 , pp. 1-9 More about this Journal
The purpose of this study is to carry out the quantitative sensitivity analysis on rockfill material influencing the dam crest displacement of CFRD(Concrete-Faced Rockfill Dam) subjected to earthquake loading. The total 105 dynamic numerical analyses (2 input earthquake, 2 magnitudes for each earthquake. 27 rockfill material property combinations obtained from large triaxial tests) on CFR type "D" dam in operation were conducted. The global sensitivity analysis was carried out using the results of numerical analysis. From the results of sensitivity analysis, It was found that the crest settlement of the CFR type dam subjected to earthquake was absolutely affected by the shear modulus of rockfill material irrespective of the input earthquakes and the maximum acceleration of each earthquake. Also, it was found that the horizontal displacement of the dam crest was highly affected by the shear modulus of rockfill material though the extent of effect on that was smaller than the settlement and the extent of effect depended on the input earthquakes and the maximum acceleration of each earthquake. On the contrary, it was found that the effect of friction angle was negligible.
sensitivity analysis; concrete-faced rockfill dam; earthquake; dam; dynamic analysis;
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