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Baseline-Free Crack Detection in Steel Structures using Lamb Waves and PZT Polarity  

Sohn, Hoon (Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering, Carnegie Mellon University)
Kim, Seung-Bum (Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering, Carnegie Mellon University)
Publication Information
Journal of the Earthquake Engineering Society of Korea / v.10, no.6, 2006 , pp. 79-91 More about this Journal
A new methodology of guided wave based nondestructive testing (NDT) is developed to detect crack damage in civil infrastructures such as steel bridges without using prior baseline data. In conventional guided wave based techniques, damage is often identified by comparing the "current" data obtained from a potentially damaged condition of a structure with the "past" baseline data collected at the pristine condition of the structure. However, it has been reported that this type of pattern comparison with the baseline data can lead to increased false alarms due to its susceptibility to varying operational and environmental conditions of the structure. To develop a more robust damage diagnosis technique, a new concept of NDT is conceived so that cracks can be detected without direct comparison with previously obtained baseline data. The proposed NDT technique utilizes the polarization characteristics of the piezoelectric wafers attached on the both sides of the thin metal structure. Crack formation creates Lamb wave mode conversion due to a sudden change in the thickness of the structure. Then, the proposed technique instantly detects the appearance of the crack by extracting this mode conversion from the measured Lamb waves even at the presence of changing operational and environmental conditions. Numerical and experimental results are presented to demonstrate the applicability of the proposed technique to crack detection.
lamb wave; crack detection; nondestructive testing; mode conversion; piezoelectric polarization;
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