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A Study on the Dynamic Behavior of a Various Buried Pipeline  

Jeong, Jin-Ho (부경대학교 건설공학부)
Lim, Chang-Kyu (부경대학교 토목공학과)
Joeng, Du-Hwoe (부경대학교 건설공학부)
Kook, Seung-Kyu (부경대학교 건설공학부)
Publication Information
Journal of the Earthquake Engineering Society of Korea / v.10, no.4, 2006 , pp. 15-24 More about this Journal
This work reports the results of our study on the dynamic response of various buried pipelines depending on their boundary conditions. We have studied behavior of the buried pipelines both along the axial and the transverse direction. The buried pipelines are modeled as beams on elastic foundation while the seismic wave as a ground displacement in the form of a sinusoidal wave. The natural frequency, its mode, and the effect of parameters have been interpreted in terms of free vibration. In order to investigate the response on the ground wave, the resulting frequency and the mode shape obtained from the free vibration have been utilized to derive the mathematical formula for the forced vibration. The natural frequency varies most significantly by the soil stiffness and the length of the buried pipelines in the case of free vibration. The effects of the propagation direction and velocity and the frequency of ground wave on the dynamic responses of concrete, steel, and FRP pipes have been analyzed and then dynamic responses depending on the type of pipes have been compared. Through performing dynamic analyser for various boundary conditions and estimation of the location of maximum strain has been estimated for the type of pipes and boundary conditions.
buried pipelines; boundary conditions; dynamic behavior;
Citations & Related Records
Times Cited By KSCI : 1  (Citation Analysis)
연도 인용수 순위
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2 이병길, '단부 경계조건을 고려한 매설관의 동적응답 해석', 박사학위논문, 부경대학교, 2005, 159 pp
3 정진호, 이병길, 박병호, '단부 경계조건을 고려한 매설관의 동적응답해석(I)', '05춘계학술발표회 논문집, 한국지반공학회, pp. 1148-1158
4 정진호, 이병길, 정두회, 박병호, '단부 경계조건을 고려한 매설관의 동적응답 해석', 한국지반공학회특별논문집, 제21권 제5 호, 2005, pp. 33-43   과학기술학회마을