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Practical Modeling for the Vibration Analysis of a Composite Deck Slab Structures  

Kim, Jae-Yeol (협성대학교 건축공학과)
Kim, Gee-Cheol (서일대학 건축과)
Publication Information
Journal of the Earthquake Engineering Society of Korea / v.9, no.3, 2005 , pp. 43-50 More about this Journal
Composite slab structures consisted with steel deck plate and concrete material show generally anisotropic structural behavior because of different stillness between the major direction and sub-direction of deck plate, and also the structures can be regarded as the laminated slab structures. It is necessary for the composite deck slab structures to carry out the exact vibration analysis to evaluate the serviceability. Also, it is needed to evaluate the exact structural behavior of composite deck slab with a layered orthotropic materials. In this paper, the thickness of lopping concrete and deck plate are used to calculate the material coefficient stiffness of a sub-direction, and an equivalent depth calculated from sectional stiffness of concrete and deck plate is applied to get the silliness of a major direction. The stiffness of two layered composite plates with different depth is determined by laminated theory. It is concluded that the presented method car efficiently analyze the structural behavior of composite deck slab consisted with steel deck plate and concrete material in the practical engineering field.
deck plate; composite slobs; vibration analysis; orthotropic plate; laminated plate;
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