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Parameter Identification of Nonlinear Dynamic Systems using Frequency Domain Volterra model  

Paik, In-Yeol (경원대학교 토목환경공학과)
Kwon, Jang-Sub (특허청 건설기술심사담당관실)
Publication Information
Journal of the Earthquake Engineering Society of Korea / v.9, no.3, 2005 , pp. 33-42 More about this Journal
Frequency domain Volterra model is applied to nonlinear parameter identification procedure for dynamic systems modeled by nonlinear function. The frequency domain Volterra kernels, which correspond io linear, quadratic, and cubic transfer functions in lime domain, are incorporated in nonlinear parametric identification procedure. The nonlinear transfer functions, which can be derived from the Volterra series representation of the nonlinear differential equation of the system by Schetzen's method(1980), are directly used for modeling input output relation. The error is defined by the difference between the observed output and the estimated output which is calculated by substituting the observed input to nonlinear frequency domain model. The system parameters are searched by minimizing the error. Volterra model guarantees enough accuracy and convergence and the estimated coefficients have a good agreement with their actual values not only in the linear frequency region but also in the legion where the $2^{nd}\;or\;3^{rd}$ order nonlinearity is dominant.
dynamic system; frequency domain; Volterra model; higher order transfer function; nonlinear parameter estimation;
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