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Integrated Optimal Design of Hybrid Structural Control System using Multi-Stage Goal Programming Technique  

박관순 (서울대학교 지구환경시스템공학부)
고현무 (서울대학교 지구환경시스템공학부)
옥승용 (서울대학교 지구환경시스템공학부)
Publication Information
Journal of the Earthquake Engineering Society of Korea / v.7, no.5, 2003 , pp. 93-102 More about this Journal
An optimal design method for hybrid structural control system of building structures subject to earthquake excitation is presented in this paper. Designing a hybrid structural control system may be defined as a process that optimizes the capacities and configuration of passive and active control systems as well as structural members. The optimal design proceeds by formulating the optimization problem via a multi-stage goal programming technique and, then, by finding reasonable solution to the optimization problem by means of a goal-updating genetic algorithm. In the multi-stage goal programming, design targets(or goals) are at first selected too correspond too several stages and the objective function is th n defined as the sum of the normalized distances between these design goals and each of the physical values, that is, the inter-story drifts and the capacities of the control system. Finally, the goal-updating genetic algorithm searches for optimal solutions satisfying each stage of design goals and, if a solution exists, the levels of design goals are consecutively updated to approach the global optimal solution closest too the higher level of desired goals. The process of the integrated optimization design is illustrated by a numerical simulation of a nine-story building structure subject to earthquake excitation. The effectiveness of the proposed method is demonstrated by comparing the optimally designed results with those of a hybrid structural control system where structural members, passive and active control systems are uniformly distributed.
hybrid structural control system; integrated optimal design; multi-stage goal programming; goal-updating genetic algorithm;
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