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Seismic Capacity Evaluation of Bridge Structure using Capacity Spectrum Method  

박연수 (전남대학교 토목공학과)
오백만 (전남대학교 토목공학과)
박철웅 (금호엔지니어링(주) 교통물류연구소)
서병철 (전남대학교 토목공학과)
Publication Information
Journal of the Earthquake Engineering Society of Korea / v.7, no.5, 2003 , pp. 67-73 More about this Journal
The present seismic analysis of Road-Bridge Design Standard is on a basis of load-based analysis which lets structures have the strength over load. In this study, the capacity spectrum method, a kind of displacement based method, which is evaluated by displacement of structure, is presented as an alternative to the analysis method based on load. Seismic capacity is performed about the existing reinforced concrete pier which has already secured seismic design by capacity spectrum method. As a result. capacity spectrum method could realistically evaluate the non-elastic behavior of structures easily and quickly and the displacement of structures for variable ground motion level. And it could efficiently apply to an evaluation of seismic capacity about the existing structure and a verification of design for capacity target of the new structure.
seismic capacity; displacement based method; capacity spectrum method;
Citations & Related Records
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  • Reference
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