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Nondestructive Damage Identification in a Truss Structure Using Time Domain Responses  

Choi, Sang-Hyun (Korea Institute of Nuclear Safety)
Park, Soo-Yong (School of Architecture, Youngsan University)
Publication Information
Journal of the Earthquake Engineering Society of Korea / v.7, no.4, 2003 , pp. 89-95 More about this Journal
In this paper, an algorithm to locate and size damage in a complex truss structure using the time domain response is presented. Sampled response data for specific time interval is spatially expanded over the structure to obtain the mean train energy for each element of the structure. The mean strain energy for each element is, in turn, used to build a damage index that represents the ratio of the stiffness parameter of the pre-damaged to the post-damaged structure. The validity of the methodology is demonstrated using data from a numerical example of a space truss structure with simulated damage. Also in the example, the effects of noisy data on the proposed algorithm are examined by adding random noised to the response data.
nondestructive damage evaluation; truss structure; mean strain energy; damage localization; severity estimation;
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