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Prevalence of rotator cuff diseases in adults older than 40 years in or near Chuncheon city, Korea  

Kim, Do-Young (Department of Orthopedic Surgery, Chuncheon Sacred Heart Hospital, Hallym University College of Medicine)
Hwang, Jung-Taek (Department of Orthopedic Surgery, Chuncheon Sacred Heart Hospital, Hallym University College of Medicine)
Lee, Sang-Soo (Department of Orthopedic Surgery, Chuncheon Sacred Heart Hospital, Hallym University College of Medicine)
Lee, Jun-Hyuck (Department of Orthopedic Surgery, Chuncheon Sacred Heart Hospital, Hallym University College of Medicine)
Cho, Min-Soo (Department of Orthopedic Surgery, Chuncheon Sacred Heart Hospital, Hallym University College of Medicine)
Publication Information
Clinics in Shoulder and Elbow / v.23, no.3, 2020 , pp. 125-130 More about this Journal
Background: To determine the prevalence of rotator cuff diseases in a population older than 40 years in or nearby Chuncheon city, Republic of Korea. Methods: Sixty shoulders of 30 people older than 40 years who participated in a health lecture were examined for free by an orthopedic surgeon. Visual analog scale of pain and American Shoulder and Elbow Surgeons scores were assigned, and routine physical examination was performed. Ultrasonography was performed on the shoulder. Results: On ultrasonographic examination, there were one shoulder with full thickness rotator cuff tear, 20 of 60 (33%) with partial thickness rotator cuff tear, five of 60 (8%) with calcific tendinitis, one of 60 (2%) with tear of the long head of the biceps, and five of 60 (8%) with tendinitis of the long head of the biceps. Participants older than 60 years showed significantly high proportions of lesion of the long head of the biceps and rotator cuff diseases (P=0.019 and P=0.015, respectively). Participants who performed physical labor had high proportions of rotator cuff tear and rotator cuff disease (P=0.001 and P<0.001, respectively). Conclusions: Rotator cuff diseases showed a high prevalence in aged persons and resulted in a decrease in shoulder function.
Aged person; Prevalence; Rotator cuff; Occupation; Ultrasonography;
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