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A Study on the Limits of Manufacturing Innovation and Policy Direction of SMEs in the 4th Industrial Revolution : Focusing on the Limitations and Examples of Pohang SME's Smart Factory Introduction  

Kim, Eunyoung (포항테크노파크 정책연구소)
Park, Munsu (한국뉴욕주립대학교 기술경영학과)
Publication Information
Journal of Science and Technology Studies / v.18, no.2, 2018 , pp. 269-306 More about this Journal
Through this study, it is aimed to derive the policy direction considering the characteristics of the present Smart Factory, the industrial condition of Pohang area, and the promotion field. Secondly, the questionnaire data of the regional enterprises will prepare for the improvement of the industrial structure and the implications for efficiency, and preparation for regional preparation and industrial changes in preparation for the next generation of production revolution. The construction of Smart Factory in Pohang can be divided into two major directions. First, it is analyzed that smart factory pilot projects are highly needed, focusing on competitive medical precision manufacturing field among the SMEs in the region, primary metal and nonmetal manufacturing industries, and other machinery fields. In addition, local SMEs are willing to introduce smart factories for reasons of quality improvement and cost reduction, and it is confirmed that they will actively promote employee training and expertise if they can upgrade continuously.
Smart Factories; SMEs; Industrial Characteristics; Innovation Capability; Manufacturing innovation; Limit;
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  • Reference
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