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The Fourth Industrial Revolution and the Deregulation of Data Protection  

Chang, Yeo-Kyung (진보네트워크센터)
Publication Information
Journal of Science and Technology Studies / v.17, no.2, 2017 , pp. 41-79 More about this Journal
The fourth industrial revolution, which is all the rage in recent years in South Korea, comes from Klaus Schwab's book. Schwab claims that recent rapid technological innovation has inevitably determined the future of our society, and regulations on related policies need to be relaxed. The debate on the Fourth Industrial Revolution in the Korean society is also centered on deregulation policies. In particular, it is strongly argued that personal data protection regulation should be relaxed in a big data environments. The Science and technology studies has long criticized technological determinism. The future of technology can be changed by the will of regulatory authorities and the intervention of civil society. In this article, the author examines various discussions at home and abroad around the deregulation of data protection, including de-identification of personal data. Through this, the author criticizes the way of accepting the fourth industrial revolution theory, and draw its implications for the Korean society.
The fourth industrial revolution; Data Protection; Deregulation; Science and Technology Studies;
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  • Reference
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