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Risk Governance Models Seen from the STS Perspectives: Risk Analysis Framework and the Precautionary Principles  

Hyun, Jaehwan (서울대학교 과학사 및 과학철학 협동과정)
Hong, Sungook (서울대학교 생명과학부)
Publication Information
Journal of Science and Technology Studies / v.15, no.1, 2015 , pp. 281-325 More about this Journal
In this paper, we continue our previous study on the differences, similarities and interfaces between the various models of scientific governance discussed in STS and those in risk governance developed by risk studies. In the previous paper we illuminated that theoretical differences among STS scholars on scientific governance and public participation goes back to the 1970s and 1980s, during which they first laid down the conceptual basis of STS. In this paper we investigate how these divergent positions among STS scholars influenced their evaluations of precautionary principle and the framework of risk analysis (especially the separation between risk assessment and risk management), which are the two main paradigms in the area of risk regulation. By doing that, this paper will show divergent positions of STS scholars on risk analysis and precautionary principle. Further, we will suggest some theoretical and practical interfaces between STS and risk governance models.
Governance; Public participation; Precautionary principle; Risk analysis; Risk assessment/Risk management; Scientific uncertainty;
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Times Cited By KSCI : 1  (Citation Analysis)
연도 인용수 순위
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