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The Development of Instruments for the Measuring Science State Curiosity and Anxiety in Science Learning  

Kang, Jihoon (Youngso-Elementary School)
Yoo, Pyoungkil (Busan National University of Education)
Kim, Jina (Pusan National University)
Publication Information
Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education / v.40, no.5, 2020 , pp. 485-502 More about this Journal
The purpose of this study was to develop an instrument for the measuring students' state curiosity and anxiety by dividing science learning context into three stages: when confronting scientific task, checking the results, learning science concepts, and verify the validity and reliability of the measurement tools developed. For this purpose, based on the theoretical background of various prior studies, science state curiosity and science state anxiety were defined in three stages of the learning context, and preliminary items were developed according to these definitions. The preliminary items were developed with the same number and the basic framework for each stage to identify changes in state curiosity and anxiety. Some preliminary items were refined during the confirming face validity and content validity. As a result of the exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis, the measurement tool consisted of five items of state curiosity and five items of state anxiety (two factors, ten items) at each stage, and confirmed the construct validity of the measurement tool. The Cronbach alpha was 0.8 or higher for each factor or for all items. This measurement tool is meaningful in that it can measure the state curiosity and anxiety applicable in three stages of science learning context and identify the changes.
Science State Curiosity; Science State Anxiety; Validity; Reliability; Development of Measurement;
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Times Cited By KSCI : 5  (Citation Analysis)
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