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A Study on the Countermeasures for the Change of Security Environment in the Hospitality Industry  

Lee, Seung-Hoon (중앙대학교 보안대학원 호스피탈리티 보안트랙)
Lee, Jong-Gyu (경기대학교 관광전문대학원 호텔,카지노,컨벤션경영 전공)
Publication Information
Korean Security Journal / v., no.62, 2020 , pp. 223-253 More about this Journal
This research has examined in depth professional books, advance research, related statistics, and internet data to present security environment changes and countermeasures that may arise due to changes in the domestic hospitality industry. The Hospitality industry characteristics and the trend of change at home and abroad were analyzed. Based on the analysis results, the global hospitality industry has minimized the negative impact of the gambling industry held by casinos through Integrated Resorts, and confirmed that the individual characteristics of various hospitality industries, such as Hotels, MICE, Performances and Shopping, have been developed in such a way that they can exert positive synergy. It has confirmed that South Korea is also trying to revitalize its sluggish economic growth by setting up strategies for industrializing the Integrated Resort and developing the Integrated Resort industry. Based on this, the security environment changes that could occur in individual Integrated Resort companies and the region were expected from five perspectives, and three levels of government/industry/personal response measures were proposed for effective response to changes in the security environment.
Hospitality; Security; Integrated Resort; Casino; Tourism;
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  • Reference
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