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A Study on the Relation between the Number of First Aid Training and the Performance of Facilities Security Personnel  

Kim, Sin-Hye (국제대학교 경호보안학과)
Han, I-Jun (인하대학교 체육학과)
Publication Information
Korean Security Journal / v., no.59, 2019 , pp. 91-108 More about this Journal
The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship between the number of first aid training and safety performance. The researcher's questionnaire consisted of three variables: necessity of first aid education, application to security practice, and improvement of job satisfaction. In this study, Chronbach's Alpha coefficients were calculated to measure the internal validity for the reliability of the questionnaire. In order to verify the validity of the measured variables, exploratory factor analysis was carried out using the Berimax rotation method. The mean variance extracted AVE and the conceptual reliability CR value of the measurement result variables were both above the allowable reference value of 0.5 and it was judged to be a good test in terms of intensive validity. As a result of the hypothesis test, the standardization coefficient was 1.106 for 'necessity of first aid education ⇒ applied to security practice work', and 'applied to security work practice ⇒ improvement of job satisfaction' was 1.063 and the relationship of hypothesis 1 hypothesis 2 was significant (+), Respectively. Therefore, in order to increase the job satisfaction of security related workers, it is necessary to support first aid education and to receive first aid education.
Facility Security Personnel; Security Practice; Security Practice; Multipurpose Facility; First Aid Training; Job Performance; Job Satisfaction;
Citations & Related Records
Times Cited By KSCI : 5  (Citation Analysis)
연도 인용수 순위
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