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Single-tooth implant restoration with alveolar bone augmentation in the maxillary anterior tooth region: a case report  

Lee, Seon-Ki (Department of Prosthodontics, Wonkwang University Daejeon Dental Hospital)
Publication Information
International Journal of Oral Biology / v.46, no.4, 2021 , pp. 200-207 More about this Journal
In case of gingival recession and alveolar bone defects due to tooth loss for a long period of time in a single tooth in the maxillary anterior region, it is not easy to obtain aesthetic results with a single implant prosthesis. For aesthetic restoration, it is important to preserve hard and soft tissues through alveolar bone augmentation as well as restore harmony with adjacent teeth and soft tissues by placing the implant in an ideal location. In this case, an implant was placed using guided bone regeneration and a connective tissue graft simultaneously with immediate implantation after extraction from the maxillary anterior region where only residual root was left for a long period of time.
Single-tooth dental implants; Esthetics; Zirconium; Dental impression technics;
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