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Practical considerations for the study of the oral microbiome  

Yu, Yeuni (Interdisplinary Program of Genomic Science, Pusan National University)
Lee, Seo-young (Interdisplinary Program of Genomic Science, Pusan National University)
Na, Hee Sam (Department of Oral Microbiology, School of Dentistry, Pusan National University)
Publication Information
International Journal of Oral Biology / v.45, no.3, 2020 , pp. 77-83 More about this Journal
In the oral cavity, complex microbial community is shaped by various host and environmental factors. Extensive literature describing the oral microbiome in the context of oral health and disease is available. Advances in DNA sequencing technologies and data analysis have drastically improved the analysis of the oral microbiome. For microbiome study, bacterial 16S ribosomal RNA gene amplification and sequencing is often employed owing to the cost-effective and fast nature of the method. In this review, practical considerations for performing a microbiome study, including experimental design, molecular analysis technology, and general data analysis, will be discussed.
Oral microbiome; 16S rDNA; Bacterial associations; High-throughput nucleotide sequencing;
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