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Expression of DSPP mRNA During Differentiation of Human Dental Pulp-derived Cells (HDPC) and Transplantation of HDPC Using Alginate Scaffold  

Aikawa, Fumiko (Department of Oral Anatomy, Osaka Dental University)
Nakatsuka, Michiko (Department of Oral Anatomy, Osaka Dental University)
Kumabe, Shunji (Department of Oral Anatomy, Osaka Dental University)
Jue, Seong-Suk (Department of Oral Anatomy, School of Dentistry, Kung Hee University)
Hayashi, Hiroyuki (Department of Endodontics, Osaka Dental University)
Shin, Je-Won (Department of Oral Anatomy, School of Dentistry, Kung Hee University)
Iwai, Yasutomo (Department of Oral Anatomy, Osaka Dental University)
Publication Information
International Journal of Oral Biology / v.31, no.3, 2006 , pp. 73-79 More about this Journal
Tissue stem cells are used for the regenerative medicine. In previous study we observed hard tissue formation of human dental pulp-derived cells using alginate scaffold. In this study, we explore the ability to differentiate of the 13th passage cells with glycerol 2-phosphate disodium salt hydrate (${\beta}-GP$) which accelerate calcification. Reverse transcriptase Polymerase Chain Reaction (RT-PCR), transplants using alginate scaffold and histological examination were performed. We observed the expression of DSPP mRNA on day 10 cultured cells with ${\beta}-GP$. In conclusion, the 13th passage cells still have an ability to differentiate into odontoblast-like cells and alginate supports the differentiation of cultured cells in the transplants.
Odontoblast-like cell; Human; Dentin sialophosphoprotein Cell culture; Transplantation;
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