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Changes in Localized Heavy Rain that Cause Disasters Due to Climate Crisis - Focusing on Gwangju  

Kim, Youn-Su (Department of Computer Science and Statistic, Chosun University)
Chang, In-Hong (Department of Computer Science and Statistic, Chosun University)
Song, Kwang-Yoon (Department of Computer Science and Statistic, Chosun University)
Publication Information
Journal of Integrative Natural Science / v.14, no.4, 2021 , pp. 162-175 More about this Journal
Recently, due to global warming, the average temperature of the earth has risen, and the glaciers in the Antarctic and Arctic melt, leading to a rise in sea level, which is accompanied by powerful natural disasters such as strong typhoons and tsunamis around the world. Accordingly, a precipitation in summer in Korea also increased, and changes in the form of precipitation were showed with the increase. Compared to the past, the frequency of localized heavy rain is increasing, and the damage from flooding and flooding is increasing day by day. In this study, based on the precipitation data measured in hours from May to September from 2016 to 2021 according to the change in the precipitation form, according to the nature of the torrential rain investigated the change in the summer precipitation form. In addition, the trend of localized heavy rain from 2016 to 2021 was confirmed by classifying them into two types: localized heavy rains caused by cyclones and weather front, and by typhoons and large-scale cyclones. Through this, the change in precipitation due to the climate crisis should not be viewed as a single phenomenon, it should be reflected and discussed on our life focused on scientific and technological development, and it should be used as a stepping stone for realizing a humanistic.
Localized heavy rain; Rainfall; Climate Crisis;
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