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Retention Effects of Dietary Education Program on Diet Knowledge, Diet Self-Care Compliance, Physiologic Indices for Hemodialysis Patients  

Kim, Sang-Suk (Gachon University, Nursing College)
Jo, Hyun Sook (College of Nursing, Gachon University)
Kang, Meung-Sue (Hemodialysis room, Bucheon St. Mary's Hospital, The Catholic University)
Publication Information
Journal of Korean Biological Nursing Science / v.19, no.2, 2017 , pp. 51-59 More about this Journal
Purpose: The purpose of this study was to identify the retention effects of an individualized dietary education program for hemodialysis patients on diet knowledge, diet self-care compliance, and physiological indices, thus to find the most effective time period for re-education. Method: This study utilized one-group repeated pretest-posttest design. The participants were 52 hemodialysis patients in C hospital, Gyeonggi-Do. Data were collected at 4 and 12 weeks after the education from January through April 2016. Results: There was significant increases in diet knowledge even 12 weeks after the education (p= .007). Diet self-care compliance showed a significant increase at 4 weeks (p= .001), but a decrease at 12 weeks after the education. The level of blood natrium was significantly decreased between 4 and 12 weeks after the education (p= .006). The weight was significantly decreased at 12 weeks after the education. Conclusion: It has been identified that re-education for hemodialysis patients should be implemented between 4 and 12 weeks after education in order to maintain patients' diet self-care compliance, an ultimate aim of diet education. By helping them with their self-care compliance, the patients would maintain their physical and psychological function optimally, thus contributing to a better quality of life among hemodialysis patients.
Hemodialysis patients; Dietary education program; Diet knowledge; Diet self-care compliance; Physiologic indices;
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Times Cited By KSCI : 6  (Citation Analysis)
연도 인용수 순위
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