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Effect of Forensic Education and Autopsy Attitude of Nursing Student  

Min, Soon (Chosun Nursing College)
Ha, Yoon Ju (Department of Nursing, Honam University)
Moon, Ji Young (Department of Nursing, Chunnam Techno University)
Publication Information
Journal of Korean Biological Nursing Science / v.16, no.3, 2014 , pp. 211-218 More about this Journal
Purpose: This research was designed to investigate the effects of forensic education and autopsy attitude of nursing students. Methods: Data on autopsy attitude were determined and collected by means of a self-reporting questionnaire including 14 questions on perception of a need for an autopsy and 11 questions on resistance to autopsy, the respondents being 846 nursing students. The collected data were analyzed by means of an independent t-test with one-way ANOVA in an SPSS WIn 18.0 program. Results: The perception of a need for an autopsy was 4.06 on average and resistance to autopsy was 2.64 on average. The nursing students taking a forensic course showed a relatively higher level of perception of the need for an autopsy (t=-5.63, p <.001) than those not attending such a course (t=2.93, p <.001). Perception of the need for an autopsy and resistance to autopsy show a negative correlation (r=-.382, p=.003). Conclusion: A forensic medicine course raises the level of perception of the need for an autopsy by nursing students and reduces the level of resistance to autopsy.
Nursing students; Autopsy; Attitude; Forensic medicine;
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Times Cited By KSCI : 6  (Citation Analysis)
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