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Effect of Periodic Video Education on Knowledge about Hemodialysis, Patient Role Behavior and the Physiologic Index in Patients with Hemodialysis  

Suk, Yoon Mee (Hemodialysis Unit, Yeungnam University Hospital)
Park, Jong Won (Department of Internal Medicine, College of Medicine, Yeungnam University)
Jeon, Man Joong (Department of Preventive Medicine & Public Health, College of Medicine, Yeungnam University)
Kim, Chang Yoon (Department of Preventive Medicine & Public Health, College of Medicine, Yeungnam University)
Publication Information
Journal of Korean Biological Nursing Science / v.15, no.3, 2013 , pp. 122-132 More about this Journal
Purpose: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of periodic video education on knowledge about hemodialysis, patient role behavior and the physiologic index in patients with hemodialysis. Methods: One-group pretest-posttest design was applied. A total of 50 patients with hemodialysis at a university hospital hemodialysis unit in Daegu participated. Periodic video education about kidney function, diet, arteriovenous fistula management, medication, and exercise was administered to them for 12 weeks at intervals of 2 weeks. Before and after the education, the participants completed the self-administered questionnaires of knowledge about hemodialysis and patient role behavior and the measures of serum potassium and phosphorus concentration, weight gain between hemodialysis sessions, and adequacy of dialysis (Kt/V). Statistical analysis was performed using paired t-test. Results: Knowledge about hemodialysis and patient role behavior were significantly different between before and after education (p<.01). For the physiologic index, serum potassium concentration and weight gain between hemodialysis sessions were not significantly different but the serum phosphorus concentration and Kt/V were significantly different between before and after education (p<.05). Conclusion: The results suggest that the periodic video education for patients with hemodialysis contributed to the change and improvement in knowledge about hemodialysis, patient role behavior, and the physiologic index.
Hemodialysis; Video-Audio media; Education; Knowledge; Behavior;
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Times Cited By KSCI : 5  (Citation Analysis)
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