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One University Staff Members' Life Styles, Body Mass Indices, Lipid Profiles and Plasma Glucose Levels  

Lee, Hye-Kyung (Health Clinic, Kongju National University)
Park, Yeon-Suk (Department of Nursing, Kongju National University)
Kim, Hyun-Suk (Kunsan College of Nursing)
Beak, Seung-Soun (Daejeon Dunsan Girls' High School)
Ji, Hyun-Soon (Chungnam National University Hospital)
Publication Information
Journal of Korean Biological Nursing Science / v.13, no.3, 2011 , pp. 298-306 More about this Journal
Purpose: To analyze the differences of the Body Mass Index (BMI), blood biochemical indices (TC, TG, HDL, PP2) among college faculty members depending on their life styles and thereupon, provide for some basic data useful for healthcare education. Methods: 163 faculty members were sampled for a questionnaire survey and a medical checkup, both conducted from Jan. 20 to Jan. 26, 2010. Results: First, such blood biochemical indicesas BMI, TG, HDL and PP2 differed significantly depending on gender, while TC, TG and HDL differed significantly depending on age. Second, BMI differed significantly depending on drinking. Third, smokers showed significantly lower BMI and PP2 than non-smokers. Among the smokers, those smoking for 1-10 years showed a significantly lower level of TG. Fourth, those exercising as hard as sweating 3 times a week showed significantly lower BMI, TC and TG. Fifth, BMI was correlated positively with TC and TG, while being correlated negatively with HDL. On the other hand, TC was correlated positively with the TG which was correlated negatively with the HDL which was correlated positively with PP2. Conclusion: In order to prevent chronic diseases and live a healthy life, it must be necessary to control drinking, stop smoking and exercise regularly.
Life style; Body mass index; Lipids; Glucose;
Citations & Related Records
Times Cited By KSCI : 11  (Citation Analysis)
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